The purpose of strategic research is to identify messages that draw the most compelling contrasts between candidates and to target the voters who will provide the margin of victory. Our research options are designed to provide a potential campaign team with unbiased and actionable results to guide the development and implementation of effective campaign strategies.
the attitudes of voters toward issues that are most salient to your specific campaign
voters' perception of candidates and elected officials in your race and across the nation
how voters respond to alternative arguments and messaging on the most critical issues
the current standing of the candidates in head-to-head match ups, and acquire a baseline your campaign will need to measure and accelerate progress
the issues and qualities likely to be the deciding factors in voter decision making
a profile of key voters based demographic categories to enable micro-targeting
messages that resonate with critical constituencies, and pinpoint the most effective communications strategies to reach these groups
We do not believe in “cookie-cutter” campaigns. Campaigns – and the research we provide – must always be tailored for each individual race. Every recommendation we make is designed to achieve one thing: a win.