We have unparalleled experience providing opinion research and political consulting at all levels of American politics for three decades -- including at the mayoral, city council, state legislative, congressional, gubernatorial, senatorial, and presidential level. As a result, we understand the political elements of campaigns better than our competitors. Our insights were critical in determining the best campaign strategy and messaging.
Our methodological and technical skills are the most advanced of any polling firm -- Democratic or Republican -- in the country. We ensure the highest possible degree of accuracy and reliability -- capturing the nuance of issues, personalities, and dynamics in the political environment. For analysis, we employ the most sophisticated statistical techniques available, searching constantly for better and more informative techniques. Many of the research products other firms discuss and market are ones Harrison Hickman pioneered in Democratic politics.


We match our methodological expertise with a track record of success. That's what separates good polling firms from exceptional ones. We bring the hard-earned day-to-day experience of over 100 major campaigns, involving hundreds of separate primary and general elections at every level of politics throughout the country. As a result, we understand the political elements of campaigns better than our competitors. U.S. News & World Report named us the "Most Valuable Pollsters," and CNN named us "Best in the Business."

Our proven history of developing innovative strategies and compelling messages for our clients separates us from our competitors. We have a record of close involvement with our campaigns, and that partnership allows us to formulate winning strategies that fit the political and cultural situation at hand. Voters are always learning new information about candidates or organizations and integrating that information into the political context. As a result, the ability to predict voter behavior, target constituencies, and select the optimal messaging content is vital to a successful campaign.
We are constantly refining the product we provide our clients. That commitment to excellence has helped us achieve success.
We have an extensive record of success in competitive Democratic primaries. More recently, we have helped win elections for U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (MD), Governors Jim Doyle (WI) and Ed Rendell (PA), Congressman John Sarbanes (MD), Attorney General Chris Koster (MO), and gubernatorial nominee Jim Davis (FL).
We have had particular success in helping Democrats win in tough states, especially in the South. These include governors Mike Beebe (AR), Ned McWherter (TN), Jim Hunt (NC), Ann Richards (TX), Jim Folsom Jr. (AL), Don Siegelman (AL), Mel Carnahan (MO), Ray Mabus (MS), Bob Kerrey (NE), and Martha Layne Collins (KY); U. S. Senators John Edwards (NC), Terry Sanford (NC), Sam Nunn (GA), Bob Kerrey (NE), Ben Nelson (NE), and Mark Pryor (AR); and Attorneys General Mark Pryor (AR), Dustin McDaniel (AR), Thurbert Baker (GA), Mike Moore (MS), Chris Koster (MO), and Jim Hood (MS).
No one stays as involved in campaigns as we do. We leverage our expertise to provide electoral targeting information, draft speeches, prepare for debates, coordinate communications strategy, assist in fundraising appeals, and handle crisis management. We have a reputation for dependability and close contact throughout the race from beginning to end, and will be involved in every aspect of the campaign where our strategic advice is helpful.
Our role varies depending upon the needs of the campaign. While our primary role is to conduct polls, we work in tandem with candidates, campaign staff, and other consultants on all phases of the campaign. Our participation in numerous major campaigns provides us with the experience to help in all aspects of formulating and implementing a successful strategy.
Unlike most other pollsters who have twenty or more clients in each election year, we limit ourselves to a small number of highly competitive races each cycle, ensuring that all of our clients receive the best. Many other firms worked for a Presidential campaign and a number of other major races concurrently. We did not think that approach would be fair to our clients. We concentrate our full attention on a few critical, challenging, and complex races -- and that approach is why we win.